Red Headphones- Article Media

How Does Music Relate to Teen Sexting?

Quick Summary

  • Blog post article published on Psychology Today.

Music is woven into the fabric of our relationships and memories for many families. In my family (Jane), nothing stops an argument in its tracks like someone turning on my siblings' childhood favorite, the 60s folk group The Kingston Trio, and it isn't Christmas until we have blasted Alan Jackson’s “Let it be Christmas” and sung along slightly off-key.

Music can also be personal. As teenagers, we listened to music while driving to school, working on homework, hanging out with friends, and during sports. Music is so common we never really stop to think about what we are listening to. As parents, how often do we stop to think about what our families and teens are singing along to or about and what messages these lyrics send?

Click to read the remaining article on Psychology Today.