
The Media Lab broadly focuses on the effects of media and technology on individuals across a wide variety of developmental, social , and behavioral outcomes. As media and technology are integral parts of the lives of individuals of all ages around the world, we seek to understand how media and technology can be used to positively effect society, individuals, and families. Within the Media Lab, we have three primary focuses. 

Dr. Drew Cingel directs the Human Development and Media Lab (HDML), which focuses on the interplay between media/technology and various facets of child and adolescent development.

Dr. Jeanette B. Ruiz specializes in topics of heath communication and how media and technology can be used to promote healthy practices in populations.

Dr. Laramie Taylor’s work focuses on the role of entertainment media in individuals' lives, and the social causes and consequences of the entertainment media choices individuals make. 

Together these emphases allow the Media Lab to speak to the broader interplay between individual media and technology use and a wide range of social, individual, and family-level well-being.